Project title :
Road transport development
Contract No. : 97-0619.00 (TNRUS-9604)
Location : Russia, Moscow |
Contractor : DHV Consultants - the Netherlands
Subcontractors : NIIAT - Russia;
Freight Transport Association (FTA) - UK;
AFT/IFTIM - France
Project objectives:
Improvement of the regulatory framework for domestic
road transport:
· To assess the existing legislation in the
field of domestic road transport/haulage.
· To identify missing legislation or rules
(including environmental aspects) and to establish implementation priorities.
Development of associations for domestic road
· To provide a unified legal, contractual and
organisational basis for the existing and future new regional associations for domestic
road haulage companies.
· To create a minimum of four new associations as
· To provide recommendations for the future
institution building process of creating similar associations in other regions (Oblast or
similar level) and at the federal level.
Planned outputs:
* Proposal for a comprehensive legal framework, and
a draft basic legislation, regarding road transport.
* Recommended strategy on the introduction of a
standard cargo carriage document.
* Proposal for the elaboration of selected priority
topics of legislation and by-laws.
* Draft policy document on the role, functions and
structure of associations for domestic road transport.
* Draft statutes and recommended organisational
structure of the associations, including relations with external bodies.
* Minimum four fully operational pilot associations,
including trained key staff.
* Equipment, software and database installed to
assist the pilot associations.
* Analysis and recommendations on RF-wide
association development.
Project activities:
1. Analysis and elaboration of domestic road
transport legislation
- Inventory of existing legislation including the identification of
missing laws/rules
- Definition of overall law concept, selection of priority issues, and
framework for elaboration
- Elaboration of proposed legislation, including support to MoT on the
development of legal documents
2. Association establishment and development
- Assessment of the role and functions of the associations
- Elaboration of legal, organisational and financial concepts/set-up,
and technical issues (certification, etc.)
- Pilot association selection, establishment of priority action
programme and management information system (MIS)
- Assessment of association training needs and development of training
programme for associations
- Equipment and software procurement and installation for the pilot
3. Seminars/workshops
- Brainstorm seminar on role/functions and organisation of associations
- Legislation improvement strategy
- Association development strategy
- Presentation of the pilot associations training programme
- Final project dissemination seminar
4. Association staff training
- Test of training programme for associations
- In-house association staff training
5. One-week Study tour to EU associations
for ten selected association managers staff
Target groups: Staff of MoT
(particularly Department of Automobile Transport) and other Government bodies involved in
the legislation elaboration, implementation and enforcement; representatives, managers and
staff of the existing and future associations
Project starting date: 11 November 1997
Project duration: 24 months